Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cherokee Computer -- Ꮳ Ꮃ Ꭹ ᎠᎦᏙᎥᎯᏍᏗ ᎠᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏍᎩ

Now that Windows 8 has more fully integrated with Cherokee- and GMAIL can be completely in Cherokee- I wanted to share what terms you might need to get started! Joseph Erb of the Cherokee Nation posted this on Google+ in the Fall of last year. He was on the team that worked with Microsoft to get the Cherokee Language Pack completed. ᎠᎦᏙᎥᎯᏍᏗ ᎠᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏍᎩ ::: computer ᏗᏁᎸᏙᏗᎢ ::: play ᏗᏁᎶᏗᏍᎩ ::: player ᎬᎫᏍᏙᏗ ::: filter ᏗᎬᎫᏍᏙᏗ ::: filters ᏫᎦᏅᎥᏍᎦ ::: forwarding ᏫᎦᏝᏅ ::: uploads ᏂᏓᎦᏅᎥᏍᎩ ::: sender ᎤᏏᏩ ::: empty ᎠᏯᏙᎯᎯ ::: server ᏗᏯᏙᎯᎯ ::: servers ᎦᏛᏗ ::: tag ᏗᎦᏛᏗ ::: tags ᎠᏍᏕᎸᏗ ::: help ᎤᎿ ᎢᎬᎾᏕᎾ ::: location ᏥᏙᎰᏣ ::: rename ᏥᏂᎲᎦ ::: redo ᏥᎭᏂᎩᏍᏓ ::: restart ᏂᏚᎵᏍᏔᏅ ::: results ᏥᎭᏁᎸᏓ ::: retry ᎠᏐᏅᏍᏙᏗ ::: button ᏗᏐᏅᏍᏙᏗ ::: keyboard ᏙᏢᎯᏌ ::: update ᎧᏂᎩᏓ ::: none ᎦᏟᏌᏅᎯ ::: data ᎠᎪᎵᏰᏗ ::: message ᏗᎪᎵᏰᏗ ::: messages ᎠᎾᎦᎵᏍᎩ ᎪᏪᎵ ::: email ᏗᎦᎵᏓᏍᏔᏅ ::: errors ᎭᎴᏫᏍᏙᏓ ::: cancel ᎠᏍᏓᏩᏛᏍᏗ ::: path ᎠᏍᏆᏂᎪᏙᏗ ::: file ᏗᏍᏆᏂᎪᏙᏗ ::: files ᏗᏴᏈᏛᎥᏍᎩ ::: folder ᎤᏍᏗ ᎠᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏍᎩ ::: subfolder ᏧᏍᏗ ᏗᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏍᎩ ::: subfolders ᎯᎲᎾ ::: move ᏗᏟᎶᏍᏔᏅᎯ ::: copy ᏘᎦᏣᎴᏍᏙᏓ ::: paste ᏄᏟᏂᎬᎬ ::: power ᎠᏓᎪᏩᏛᏗᏍᎩ ::: preview ᏗᎦᎴᏴᏗᏍᎩ ::: printer ᎠᏕᏍᎦᎸᏗᎢ ::: privacy ᎦᏅᏫᏍᏙᏗ ::: prompt ᎤᎦᏅᏓᏛᎢ ::: page ᎠᏓᎦᏎᏍᏙᏗ ::: protect ᎠᏍᎪᎸᏛᎯ ::: delete ᎫᏓᎸᏗ ::: port ᎢᏤ ᎠᏱᏍᏗ ::: new search ᎪᏪᎳᎾᎥᎢ ᎦᎾᎸᎢ ::: menu bar ᏄᏛᎿᏕᎬ ᎦᎾᎸᎢ ::: status bar ᎯᏍᏚᎲᎦ ::: close ᎯᏝᎲᎦ ::: mount ᏍᏓᏯ ᎠᏠᏗ ::: hard disk ᏍᏓᏯ ᎦᎾᏗᏅᏗ ::: hardware ᏩᏂᎨ ᎦᎾᏗᏅᏗ ::: software ᏍᏇᎵᏲ ᎠᎪᎵᏰᏍᎩ ::: spellcheck ᎤᎾᏙᏢᏒ ::: program ᎬᏙᏗ ::: application ᎬᏗᏍᎩ ::: user ᎠᏚᏓᎸᏗ ::: account ᎠᏍᏚᎢᏍᏙᏗ ᎥᎧᏁᎬᎢ ::: password ᎠᏓᎵᏍᎪᎸᏓᏁᏗ ::: allow ᎭᎵᏍᏚᏓ ::: block ᎦᏐᎭᎾᎳ ::: blocked ᏧᎾᏁᎸᏗᎢ ::: games ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ::: type (type of or kind of) ᎢᏧᏍᏗ ::: types (types of or kinds of) ᏃᏅᏛᎾ ::: unknown ᏚᏂᏏᎳᏕᏫᏒᎢ ::: websites ᎤᏂᎳᏛᎢ ::: web ᎪᏪᎵ ᏫᏗᎦᏅᏗ ::: address ᏔᎵᏳᏩᎪᏗ ᎭᏐᏅᏍᏓ ::: double click ᎭᏐᏅᏍᏓ ᎠᎭᏂ ::: click here ᎠᎦᏘᏍ-ᎭᏐᏅᏍᏓ ::: right click ᎠᎦᏍᎦᏂ-ᎭᏐᏅᏍᏓ ::: left click ᏫᏓᎩᎸᏉᏛᎢ ::: favorites ᎤᏍᏗ ᎠᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏍᎩ ::: subfolder ᏧᏍᏗ ᏗᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏍᎩ ::: subfolders ᎠᎯᎸᏍᏗ ᎠᏯᏔᎾᎸ ::: control panel

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